[MyAppleMenu] Mar 14, 2010

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Mar 14 18:59:00 EDT 2010


**** iPad Swapped If Its Battery Fails, Apple Says <http://www.pcworld.com/article/191498/ipad_swapped_if_its_battery_fails_apple_says.html>
Paul Suarez, PC World

According to a recently-posted FAQ, Apple will replace your iPad if it "requires service due to the battery's diminished ability to hold an electrical charge," for $99 and a $6.95 shipping fee.

**** Forbidden Fruit: Microsoft Workers Hide Their iPhones <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703455804575057651922457356.html>
Nick Wingfield, Wall Street Journal

Nearly 10,000 iPhone users were accessing the Microsoft employee email system last year, say two people who heard the estimates from senior Microsoft executives. That figure equals about 10% of the company's global work force.

**** A Battle For The Future Is Getting Personal <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/14/technology/14brawl.html>
Brad Stone and Miguel Helft, New York Times

While the discord between Apple and Google is in part philosophical and involves enormous financial stakes, the battle also has deeply personal overtones and echoes the ego-fueled fisticuffs that have long characterized technology industry feuds.

At the heart of their dispute is a sense of betrayal: Mr. Jobs believes that Google violated the alliance between the companies by producing cellphones that physically, technologically and spiritually resembled the iPhone. In short, he feels that his former friends at Google picked his pocket.

**** A Dream For Music, But Labels’ Nightmare <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/14/business/14ping.html>
Brad Stone, New York Times

So moving our music into the cloud and piping it to any device, on demand, should be easy, right?

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** A Matter Of Convenience <http://thesmartset.com/article/article03051001.aspx/>
Meg Favreau, The Smart Set

Because seriously, if pancakes and sausage on a stick can last as long as they have (long enough to, if they were human, be a legal daycare provider of your children) how bad were the foods that failed?

**** Mr. Coffee And Mr. Fixit <If what the women said is true regarding Jack Neo's behaviour, then all right-minded people should censure him. Sexual harassment in the work place is bad enough, but coming from an employer or immediate superior is disgusting.>
Christopher Benfey, The New Republic

Was Raymond Carver worth a damn without his editor?


**** Time For Someone New To Drive Singapore <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2010/03/time-for-new-driver-singapore/>
The Online Citizen

**** 新加坡红灯区为何与中国人联系紧密? <http://blog.huanqiu.com/?uid-145408-action-viewspace-itemid-538631>


**** 海南鸡饭 香飘东京 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/gj/gj100314_003.shtml>
符祝慧, 联合早报


**** Sexual Harrassment From A Superior Is Disgusting <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC100314-0000067/Online-Only---Sexual-harrassment-from-a-superior-is-disgusting>
James Lam, Today

If what the women said is true regarding Jack Neo's behaviour, then all right-minded people should censure him. Sexual harassment in the work place is bad enough, but coming from an employer or immediate superior is disgusting.

**** The Strange History Of Productivity In Singapore <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2010/03/strange-history-of-productivity-in.html>
Mr Wang Says So

The policy had morphed, from a small-scale initiative to recruit highly-skilled foreigners, to a huge initiative to recruit any foreigner who would put his hand up. PM Lee wanted to admit, and yet not admit, that the policy had changed.

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