[MyAppleMenu] Jul 11, 2007

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Jul 11 13:15:01 EDT 2007


**** Classic Arcade Games Reach The Mac <http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsID=18515>
by Jonny Evans, Macworld UK
GameTap has released a Mac client for its catalogue of 500 classic titles.

**** Meet The iPhone Hackers <http://machinist.salon.com/feature/2007/07/11/iphone_hackers/index.html>
by Farhad Manjoo, Salon
The coding geniuses who are taking apart Appel's hot device say they're within a few days of making it work with cell networks beyond AT&amp;T.

**** Apple Shares Hit High After Prediction <http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8QA19Q00.htm>
by Associated Press
Shares of Apple Inc. hit a new all-time trading high Tuesday after an analyst speculated that the company would come out with a less expensive, smaller iPhone later this year.
Yet investors also were being cautioned Tuesday by a separate &mdash; more sobering &mdash; report from a different analyst at the same securities firm, saying he could not confirm his colleague's assumptions. He told his clients in a report that a low-end phone from Apple was unlikely in the near term.

**** What Is A "Nano-Based" iPod?
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
There have been some talks about a "nano-based" iPod &mdash; which I totally don't understand. What do "nano-based" mean?
In fact, the current iPhone is "nano-based", if we are talking about the storage technology inside the pod. The words that reporters are searching for, I think, is "smaller-sized". Of course, that doesn't sound as sexy.
But, of course, the iPhone is really nothing like an iPod. Steve Jobs has even said that he is treating the iPhone business as a separate business from the iPod business. To assume the iPhone product line will mirror the iPod product line is possibly a very wrong assumption to make.
<p class="permlink">Permanent Link to This Post <http://www.myapplemenu.com/2007/07/11/id0009/>

**** A Day Without Steve <http://www.macworld.com/2007/07/opinion/augspotlight/index.php>
by John Siracusa, Macworld
The only effective transition strategy may be to retain Jobs in spirit while converting the organization to a more democratic structure. Let the management mantra be "What Would Steve Do?"
/Democratic sturcutre? I'm not sure what that means, but if this is management by consensus, I don't think it will work. Ownership of ideas is important./

**** iPhoney iPod Coming! Sun Rises In East! <http://playlistmag.com/weblogs/ipodblog/2007/07/analysts/index.php>
by Christopher Breen, Playlist
No! Who woulda thunk it!?
JP Morgan Retracts. Now Says "No" To Near Term "Nano" iPhone <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/07/10/jp-morgan-retracts-now-says-no-to-near-term-nano-iphone/>, by Erica Sadun, The Unofficial Apple Weblog.
/Unless the existing iPhone fails miserably in the marketplace, the question is not whether cheaper iPhones will be delivered by Apple in the future. The question is when will Apple deliver./

**** You Software Releases You Control 1.5 <http://www.macminute.com/2007/07/10/you-control/>
by MacMinute

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Mom Puts Family On Her Meal Plan <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/11/dining/11batt.html?ex=1341806400&en=083e56429e76f78e&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Leslie Kaufman, New York Times
The key to long-term success is not so much the food but the pacing and organization of the meals.

**** Potter Has Limited Effect On Reading Habits <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/11/books/11potter.html?_r=1&ref=arts&oref=slogin>
by Motoko Rich, New York Times
In keeping with the intricately plotted novels themselves, the truth about Harry Potter and reading is not quite so straightforward a success story.

**** When Food Is Danger <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/09/AR2007070901328.html?nav=most_emailed>
by Sally Squires, Washington Post
For the estimated 12 million Americans with food allergies, eating can be quite an adventure.


**** Don't Restrict Routes, Says AirAsia's Chief <http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news_business.php?id=272669>
by Bernama
There should be no restrictions in aviation routes if Malaysia wants the industry to prosper further, AirAsia Bhd's group chief executive officer Datuk Tony Fernandes said today.
"Don't hold us back anymore. We have done Malaysia proud. I have 5,000 staff. We need Singapore. We can't be a hub without Singapore," he said, adding that AirAsia aimed to make Malaysia a hub for low-cost travel.

**** Indonesia Waiting For Singapore's Goodwill To Continue Discussing DCA <http://www.antara.co.id/en/arc/2007/7/11/indonesia-waiting-for-singapores-goodwill-to-continue-discussing-dca/>
by Antara
The Indonesia government is still waiting for Singapore's goodwill to continue discussions on their Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA), foreign minister Hassan Wirayuda said here on Tuesday.
"We are prepared to continue the discussions if there is a positive response from Singapore," he said.

**** Tanglin Village - A Lesson In Branding? <http://creativespark.wordpress.com/2007/07/11/tanglin-village-a-lesson-in-branding/>
by Creative Spark

**** On Haircuts And Conformity <http://scientific-child-prodigy.blogspot.com/2007/07/on-haircuts-and-conformity.html>
by The Boy Who Knew Too Much
There should be no regulation in the matter of appearance in school &mdash; or anywhere else.

**** Another Case Of Guilty Until Proven Innocent?
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
An SBS Transit driver, as reported by Channel NewsAsia <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/287497/1/.html>, was arrested for drink driving "after the bus he was driving crashed into a lamp-post."
SBS Transit's director of corporation communications, Tammy Tan, was reported as saying that if the driver is charged with the offence, he will be sacked.
Okay, I don't know anything about the hiring and firing policies of SBS Transit, but isn't this wrong? Shouldn't SBS Transit fire this driver only when he is been proven guilty in court? Being charged &mdash; no matter how effective and efficient our police force is &mdash; does not equate to being guilty.
<p class="permlink">Permanent Link to This Post <http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/2007/07/11/id0016/>

**** Singapore Charity's Ex-Chairman Set For Extradition <http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070711/wl_asia_afp/hongkongsingaporefraudjustice_070711060651>
by AFP
Richard Yong, ex-chairman of the National Kidney Foundation, agreed to be sent back to Singapore at his second court appearance in Hong Kong on Wednesday, said a spokeswoman at the Justice Department here.

**** Free Lunch With Branson Proved Costly <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2007/07/10/cnvirgin110.xml>
by Alistair Osborne, Telegraph
It is unclear what Singapore Airlines has got out of the deal.

**** Civil Servants Urged To Keep Up With Rising Expectations Of Public Sector <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/287418/1/.html>
by Ng Baoying, Channel NewsAsia
Minister in charge of civil service Teo Chee Hean says civil servants must try to keep up with rising expectations of the public sector.
But at the same time, he reminded them that the public sector is inherently different because it exists to serve Singapore and its residents.

**** Woman Died Of Acute Blood Coagulation Problem After Giving Birth <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/287449/1/.html>
by Ng Baoying, Channel NewsAsia
Madam Swee's family had suspected that she died because the hospital did not have enough blood in its supply. Madam Swee's husband, Jason Low said, hospital staff told him that a request for more blood would have to be approved by higher authorities. And if the family wanted more blood, they would have to round up others to donate some at the blood bank.
In response, the Bloodbank at HSA says all requests for blood and blood products for Madam Swee were fully supported. And that the supply of blood is not dependant on replacement donation.

**** Conversations With A Cabbie <http://www.nicktay.com/?p=179>
by Nick Tay, Editor At Large
I like talking to old cabbies. They're good company.

**** Goodbye Teacher, Hello Problems <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/199322.asp>
by Ho Kong Loon, Today
Would the improving Singapore economy and the buoyant employment market catalyse a migratory movement from the classroom to the boardroom or elsewhere?

**** PM's Son's Army Gaffe And Why We Have To Worry <http://e-hung.blogspot.com/2007/07/pms-sons-military-gaffe.html>
by HungOnline
It's just a minor incident &mdash; after all, there've been worse offences committed by officers in the SAF &mdash; but it speaks of a larger, darker and insiduous problem.
See Also: Climate Of Fear <http://aaron-ng.info/blog/climate-of-fear.html>, by Aaron Ng, Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

**** Cameras At Traffic Light Junctions May Go Digital <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_137735.html>
by Teh Joo Lin, Straits Times

**** Tiger Airways Promised A Refund, Only To Reject It Later - Twice <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Online%2BStory/STIStory_137659.html>
by Tan Keng Tat, Straits Times
Should consumers be liable for a website's technical glitches while making payment? Has the consumer no resource in such cases?
/And Tiger Airways continues to demonstrate it has no idea how to provide good service./

**** Should School Canteens Be Run Only By Needy? <http://tnp.sg/news/story/0,4136,135462,00.html?>
by Celine Lim, New Paper

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