[MyAppleMenu] Jan 11, 2007

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Jan 11 13:15:01 EST 2007

Mac news for Mac people


*** Jobs Cites Microsoft Executive's Mac Comment
Todd Bishop, Seattle Post-Intelligencer

*** In Cingular-Apple Deal, Only Phone Was Missing
Matt Richtel, New York Times

When Cingular executives went to the company's board last year to get approval for a deal with Apple, they did so without so much as a prototype of an Apple phone to show the directors. The board signed off anyway.

*** Cisco Files Infringement Suit Against Apple Over iPhone
Ruth Mantell, MarketWatch

Cisco Systems late Wednesday said it has filed a lawsuit against Apple seeking to prevent Apple from using the iPhone trademark.

*** QuarkXPress Gets Upgraded
Mathew Honan, Macworld

The latest upgrade offers performance enhancements that make the design software more responsive.


*** Thinking Beyond The First Generation iPhone, Or Whatever It's Called
Dan Farber, ZDNet

The iPhone is really not a smartphone. It is a personal digital device that includes phone capabilities. It's a fusion of Macintosh and iPod.

*** Why Apple Left Cisco At The Altar
Sparkplug 9

Cisco wanted not just a licensing agreement or the sale of a trademark but a business relationship... in a sense, Cisco wanted in.

*** For IT Departments, The iPhone Poses Problems
J Nicholas Hoover, TechWeb

*** How Not To Start An Expo Presentation
Rob Griffiths, Macworld

Always be prepared. But if you're not prepared, make sure you're staying close enough to recover from said level of unpreparedness!

*** Update On Cisco's iPhone Trademark
Mark Chandler, Cisco

This lawsuit is about Cisco's obligation to protect its trademark in the face of a willful violation. Our goal was collaboration. The action we have taken today is about not using people's property without permission.

*** How Apple Kept Its iPhone Secrets
Peter H. Lewis, Fortune

Bogus prototypes, bullying the press, stifling pillow talk -- all to keep iPhone under wraps.

*** Steve's Devices
Rought Type

In Jobs's world, users are users, creators are creators, and never the twain shall meet. Which is, of course, why the iPhone, like the iPod, is such an exquisite device. Steve Jobs is not interested in amateur productions.

*** Apple iPhone Have EDGE Leh
mr brown

Another thing that struck me was how such an innovative product is being launched in thesuch a mobile backwater like the US. Steve, come to Asia first. We will buy your iPhone like there is no tomorrow, and you don't have to partner with the likes of Cingular here to sell one.

*** When Did Steve Start Showing Vaporware?
Paul Boutin, Valleywag

By holding his own mini-CES 500 miles away, Jobs literally stole the show.

*** Applications On iPhone
Tom Bridge, O'Reilly Network

*** Apple Waves Its Wand, Again
David Pogue, New York Times

This machine is so packed with possibilities that the cellphone may actually be the least interesting part.

*** Apple Fails To Reinvent Telecommunications Industry -- Too Bad
Tom Evslin

*** Microsoft Learns Less Is More
Philip Michaels, Macworld

Based on what I've seen thus far, Microsoft clearly understands that the biggest problem with Office is not some sort of missing feature or capability, but rather, the fact that many users are unaware that features and capabilities they're demanding already exist.


*** Look Ma, No Wires. For Real.
Heng-Cheong Leong

Erica Ogg <http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-12760_7-9673092-5.html?tag=cnetfd.mt>, in CNET: Powercast is a radio frequency that is transmitted over a small area, and its energy is "harvested" -- wirelessly -- to give power to small devices like cell phones.

Steve Jobs must already have his engineers looking into this. (But, if not, can someone please notify him, please?)

Now, we can really get rid of all the unsightly wires.

*** Watching Your iPod Videos In Private
Heng-Cheong Leong

If you, with an iPod with Video, are watching a recorded video conference from your company discussing the latest ultra-super-top secret plans on how to steal market share from your biggest competitor, you probably wouldn't want to watch it on your train commute. You don't really know who that person sitting right next or behind you is from.

But, here's a solution <http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,21043417-1702,00.html>: a special video glasses for your iPod.

(Of course, there's also porn.)

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Firms Fret As Office E-Mail Jumps Security Walls
Brad Stone, New York Times

A growing number of internet-literate workers are forwarding their office e-mail to free web-accessible personal accounts. Their employers, who envision corporate secrets leaking through the back door of otherwise well-protected computer networks, are not pleased.

*** Wave Phone, Buy Stuff
Eliot Van Buskirk, Wired News

*** Senator Drafting 'Broadcast Flag' Ban
Anne Broache, CNET News.com

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** The Copycat Syndrome
Meghan O'Rourke, Slate

Plagiarists at work.

*** A Trough At The Theater - To Chow Or Not To Chow?
John Heilpern, New York Observer

Why can't America stop eating for two hours?

Life in the city


*** Former NKF CEO's Admission To Impact Criminal Trial
May Wong, Channel NewsAsia

*** Economists Point At Emergence Of Dual Economy In Singapore
Pearl Forss, Channel NewsAsia

Businesses catering to global markets are seeing robust growth, but companies serving the domestic markets are lagging behind as private consumption is growing at only 3 percent -- or less than half the GDP expansion of 8 percent.

*** NGO Urges Singapore To Allow Opposition Leader's Visit

The appeal from the nongovernmental international steering committee of the Community of Democracies coincided with the third day of bankrupt Chee Son Juan's trial for attempting to leave the city-state without official permission from the Insolvency and Public Trustee's Office.

*** Thailand Backtracks

Just one day after spooking investors with tighter rules on foreign ownership and saying that Singapore investment company Temasek Holdings would be among those affected, the Thai Finance Minister has softened his stand.

*** 7-Hour Drama Behind Closed Doors
Straits Times

Lawyers in and out of judge's chambers all day before shock news of Durai conceding.

*** Durai Concedes
Bertha Henson, Straits Times


*** The Past And Pending
Sayoni Speak

I was celebrating something more than just queer pride. Something more important than love, relationships and money. I was (finally) celebrating my self.

*** I Am Singaporean XIII - Thoughtcrime
Im Allgemeinen, Die Neue Welle

Thoughtcrime is going to be a crime soon in Singapore. Especially in the areas of politics or the authority of the government.

*** Is It Necessary To Display Stallholder's Details In Full?
Tan Swee Huang, Straits Times

*** Both Saturated Fat And Trans Fat Are Harmful
Lam Pin Woon, Health Promotion Board, Low Lip Ping, Singapore Heart Foundation, Straits Times

Banning trans fat without having healthier alternatives might result in other fats, which are high in saturated fat, being used as substitutes.

*** Singapore Latest Victim Of Freak Weather
Vasanthan Govindasamy, OhmyNews

*** Blogospheric Musings
Mr Wang Says So

I will write only when I think I have something worth writing about. Which is the way I've decided it should be.


*** StarHub Error Prompts Online Petition
Aaron Tan, ZDNet Asia

The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.


*** Blurred Just The Same
The Dying Californian

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