[MyAppleMenu] Apr 27, 2005

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Apr 27 13:15:00 EDT 2005

Mac news for Mac people


*** Adobe Ships Creative Suite 2
Peter Cohen, Macworld

*** Apple Bumps Power Mac G5s To 2.7GHz
Peter Cohen, Macworld

Apple on Wednesday unveiled upgrades to its line of dual-processor Power Mac G5 desktop computers, raising the top-end system's processor speed from 2.5 to 2.7GHz.

*** Apple Lowers Prices On Cinema Displays
Peter Cohen, Macworld

Apple on Wednesday announced lower prices for its line of flat panel Cinema Displays.

*** Easy Listening Via 'Podcasts'
Abigail W. Leonard, New York Newsday

Digital shows you can download to an MP3 player have a U.S. audience in the millions.

*** iTunes Is Here!
Garry Barker, The Age

At least one Mac and music enthusiast in Australia has already downloaded a track from iTunes Music Store and paid for it with his Australian credit card.

*** Sophos Describes Mac/Cowhand-A "Virus"

Sophos has posted a vague description of a new potential proxy Trojan for Mac OS X called "Mac/Cowhand-A."

*** Amazon Spills The Beans On New Power Mac G5
Peter Cohen, Macworld

The popular online catalog reseller has listed a 2.7GHz dual-procesor Power Mac G5 model at US$2,994.99.

*** RealNetworks Rekindles iPod Tech Tussle
John Borland, CNET News.com

In the midst of a broader music release, RealNetworks has quietly renewed its iPod technology battle with Apple.

*** New iTunes Music Stores Expected This Week


*** Put A Tiger In Your Mac
Daniel Terdiman, Wired News

After playing with Tiger for the better part of an evening, I can say it's full of welcome surprises.

*** Apple's Sweet Image Is False
Matt Buchanan, Washington Square

*** Steve Jobs Continues Assault On The Press
Ed Bott

Through the years, Apple's action shave been downright Stalinist.

*** Apple In Denial Over Security
Manek Dubash, Techworld

*** Look, Steve, You've Made Your Point; Besides, I Think Book Burning Breaks Some Ordinance
John Murrell, San Jose Mercury News

*** Here's To The Crazy Ones
Assorted Geekery

One of the coolest pages on apple.com was always the Think Different poem.

*** Honesty Is The Best Policy
Dan Miller, Macworld

Starting in our June 2005 issue, we'll be providing short biographies of the authors of all our major reviews. That way, you'll know who our reviewers are and have some idea about their qualifications and perspectives.


*** Housecleaning Tips For Tiger
Derrick Story, O'Reilly Network

*** New Mac Mini Goes After Frustrated Windows Users
Dwight Silverman, Houston Chronicle

*** Bionicle
Michael Miller, Inside Mac Games

While the production values are solid, the flaws suck much of hte pure enjoyment that could have been had in this little game.

*** Run ColdFusion On Your Mac
Scott McNulty, Unofficial Apple Weblog


*** Feed Your iPod
Heng-Cheong Leong

Podcasts are everywhere -- now, even Macworld has one <http://www.macworld.com/2005/04/secrets/gfpodcast1/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>. In this pilot episode, Cyrus Farivar talks to Glenn Flesihman about bluetooth.

*** WinNeXT?
Heng-Cheong Leong

Isn't it about time for Steve Jobs to set up yet another company that develops the next generation of operating system for Intel chips, sit back, relax, and wait to reverse-buyout Microsoft and their Copland... er, Longhorn?



*** Is The Windows Market Saturated? Microsoft Says No
Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft Watch

Microsoft has a number of ideas, which it is sharing with its hardware and software partners, as to how to ratchet up Windows desktop revenues by billions per year.

*** Real Unveils Rhapsody To Go, More
Peter Cohen, Playlist

iPod is not on the list of supported devices.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** New Crop Of Software Startups Growing Up
John Pallatto, eWeek

There are signs that a new generation of startup software companies is emerging with new ideas and products to replace at least some of the jobs lost through earlier business failures and mergers.

*** Google Puts RSS Advertising To The Test
Matt Hicks, eWeek

Google confirmed Tuesday that it has begun testing the use of its ads in RSS feeds, a move that signals the growing interest in earning revenue from news feeds.

*** Open Wallets For Open-Source Software
Gary Rivlin, New York Times

Venture capitalists are again embracing open-source technology companies. But given some spectacular open-source failures in the late 1990's, a natural question may be whether some of these venture capitalists have perhaps lost their minds.

*** Has Tech Employment Turned A Corner?
Ed Frauenheim, CNET News.com

The U.S. tech industry may have reached the bottom of the trough when it comes to employment.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life

[Tech & Science]

*** Turn Me On, Dead Man
Michael Shermer, Scientific America

Anecdotal thinking comes naturally; science requires training.

*** Where Satellites Go When They Die
Daniel Engber, Slate

To a higher plane.


*** Film Taboo Is Smashed, To General Shrugging
Stephen Holden, New York Times

A deepening revulsion toward the pornographic view is evident not only in the hysterial engendered by Janet Jackson's antics at the Super Bowl and other such incidents, but in a new breed of European art films that might be called anti-erotic sex films.

*** The New Human
Karen Olson, Utne

How the stories we tell will shape our future -- for better or worse.


*** Mind-Reading Machine Knows What You See
New Scientist

It is possible to read someone's mind by remotely measuring their brain activity, researchers have shown.

Life in the city


*** Hsien Loong Invites Pak Lah To Visit Singapore
The Star

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has invited Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to visit the republic. This is not only for an official visit but also one which could further create warmth, friendship and understanding between both countries, said Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

*** Singapore Resort Will Benefit Us, Says Matta
The Star

Instead of having a negative impact, the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Matta) believes that the Malaysian tourism industry might benefit from an integrated resort in Singapore. "The cake is big."

*** Singapore Factory Output Falls Again
Amit Prakaash, Bloomberg

Singapore's factory production fell for a third month in March, led by chemicals, machines and transport equipment, the Economic Development Board said Tuesday.

*** Seeing Red Over Seized Cars
Tracy Sua, Straits Times

A spike in the number of rental vehicles forfeited because of criminal activities has impelled 34 worried car ental companies to petition for the government's help.

*** Reclamation Works: Experts Found No Major Impact On Environment
Lydia Lim, Straits Times

Independent experts appointed to study the impact of Singapore's reclamation works in the Johor Straits found no major changes to the environment.


*** Reclamation Dispute Between Singapore And Malaysia Resolved
Singapore Commentator

Tommy Koh basically got the "happy headlines". But Malaysia got the money and at least some of the changes it demanded in Singapore's reclamation works.

*** Those Opting For A Class Wards Are Not The Government's Problem
Leong Sze Hian, Today

Healthcare policies should focus on the lower-income, such as not closing the night serices at polyclinics, instead of forcing the higher-income to contribute more.

MyAppleMenu Shuffle
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.


*** Bare Necessities
Purdue "All-American" Marching Band

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