[MyAppleMenu] Apr 16, 2005

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Apr 16 13:15:00 EDT 2005

Mac news for Mac people


*** Tiny Electric Scooter With Built-In iPod Amp
Cory Doctorow, Boing Bong

Yamaha is shipping a tiny, 19mph battery-powered scooter with an integrated iPod, that plays through a built-in amp and loudspeakers.

*** NIN's Trent Reznor Releases Song As garageBand File
Xeni Jardin, Boing Bong

*** iPod Devotees Rocked By Thefts
Del Quentin Wilber, Washington Post

Victims of growing crime in area say loss of playlist makes them feel violated.

*** Software Giant Plays Catch-Up
Simon Avery, Globe And Mail

Once again, Bill gates is playing catch-up to Steve Jobs.

*** Au Revoir, Rendezvous
Peter Cohen, Macworld

Au revoir, Rendezvous, et bonjour, Bonjour.

*** Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.3.9 Update


*** Tiger Prices

Tiger will cost Britons &pound;89, or USD$169, and Singaporeans will pay SGD$248, or USD$151. That's not so fair.

*** How Woud You Change The iPod?
Barb Dybwad, Engadget


*** Minis Help Build Bigger Mac
Michael Woods, Toledo Blade

The Mac mini is a golden opportunity for individuals who are fed up with the viruses and other security problems that plague Windows, but so far have largely spared Macs.

*** Find A Pocket Of Serenity In Crochet Hook And An iPod
Kathy Cano-Murillo, Arizona Republic

*** A Windows Guy Finds A Lot To Like About The New Mini
Peter Grad, NorthJersey.com

This machine is funa nd easy to use and deserves consideration by all reasonable PC fans -- even evil ones.

*** Menu-Bar Icons Prove Invaluable
Jeff Carlson, Seattle Times

*** LinkBack: Applications Working Together
Charles Jolley, O'Reilly Network

The best part about LinkBack is that it is fairly easy to add it to your own application.

*** Rise Of Nations: Real-Time Strategy Game Should Also Please Fans Of Turn-Based Games
Peter Cohen, Macworld

Combining some of the best things about real-time and turn-based strategy games, Rise of Nations will please gamers of both stripes.


*** 5 Computers In The World? 640K More Than Enough? No Wireless, Less Than A NNomad, Lame?
Heng-Cheong Leong

CmdrTaco <http://www.neobeans.com/blog/?p=6>'s spur-of-the-moment review of the iPod when it was first introduced will live forever in the blog-o-sphere.


*** Microsoft Dusts Off 'Palladium' Security For Longhorn
Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft Watch

Redmond updates the game plan for its next-generation Windows security system, now set to debut in Longhorn.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Trading Places
Peter F. Drucker, National Interest

The United States may well remain the political and military leader for decades to come. It is likely also to remain the world's richest and most productive national economy for a long time (though the European Union as a whole is both larger and more productive). But the U.S. economy is no longer the single dominant economy.


*** A Champ In The City Of Coffees
Eli Sanders, New York Times

The United States has never produced a barista deemed to be the planet's best, and for those Americans who have been following the run-up to the World Barista Championship -- an admittedly small but passionate bunch -- the question is whether Phuong Tran can beat the Scandinavians, who have dominated the annual competition since it began five years ago.

*** The Changing Complexion Of U Street
Jose Antonio Vargas, Washington Post

On historic black broadway, a tanning salon sets up shop.

*** Is Snow White?
Alex Byrne, Boston Review

And other questions about apperance and reality.


*** Intramuros
Lisa Chipongian, Boston Review

Life in the city


*** Singapore's Lee Says War Unlikely Between Japan And China?
Associated Press

*** SGH To Resume Admission Of Patients For Elective Surgeries
Channel NewsAsia

*** Singapore Can't Afford To Let Casino Chance Pass Us By: MM Lee
Derrick A Paulo, Today

There will be "trouble" in Singapore if there are casinos, said Lee Kuan Yew, but there will be "more trouble" if there are none.


*** This Article Has Not Been Authorized
Lim Li Min, Budget Travel

In an effort to draw tourists and industry, Singapore is trying to chnage its image -- and the international media has run many a story about how the "nanny state" is finally letting down its hair. But we prefer to admire Singapore for what it is, even if that's not the message the government wants to send.

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